“From the dynamics of single molecules to the development of whole organisms.”

Cytoskeleton Consortium Prague (CCP)

The cytoskeleton is the muscle and bones of cells and the driver of cellular and organismal motion. A wide range of vital biological processes relies on the cytoskeleton and the movements it generates. We are an interdisciplinary cluster of laboratories based at several research institutes located in Prague, exploring the cytoskeleton on multiple levels with a common goal to understand the cytoskeleton's numerous roles.

We are a vibrant international community offering Ph.D. student positions in Prague in the fields of biology, chemistry, and physics.

The CCP is associated to the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB) at the Technische Universität Dresden as a Topical Partner Cluster (TPC) on the research topic of “Cytoskeletal Dynamics Across Scales: From molecular biophysics to organismal development”.

The framework will bridge the Prague cytoskeletal community to DIGS-BB groups working on the common topic and provide a platform for scientific and technology exchange.


Piliarik lab

About the Consortium

The Cytoskeleton Consortium Prague is an initiative aiming to bring together research teams based in Prague and vicinity, which study the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. Research interests of the partner teams range from molecular biophysics to organismal development bringing together researchers from biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, and computer science. The combined competence of the cluster spans from single-protein studies to whole organism imaging enabling sharing of methods, techniques, and approaches in the interdisciplinary research environment.

We aim to facilitate collaborations, share know-how and equipment, provide a platform to discuss ideas, and expose particularly junior lab members to a wide area of cytoskeleton-related topics. We strive to create a stimulating environment for Ph.D. students and enable them to develop professionally into outstanding scientists. Our Ph.D. students benefit from the interdisciplinarity of the cluster, the close connections between the individual labs, the internationality of the cluster environment, and the partnership with the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering.

Laboratories based in the following institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences participate in the consortium:

Institute of Photonics and Electronics

Institute of Biotechnology

Institute of Molecular Genetics

Institute of Physiology

Czech Academy of Science

DIGS-BB Topical Partner Cluster

The DIGS-BB associated Topical Partner Cluster (TPC) “Cytoskeletal Dynamics Across Scales: From molecular biophysics to organismal development” is a scientific cooperation between DIGS-BB groups and selected groups of the Cytoskeleton Consortium Prague (CCP)to offer cross-disciplinary doctoral training in a joint endeavor between Prague and Dresden.

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Cytoskeletal Events

Join us at our topical meetings, seminars, cytoskeletal brews, Prague – Dresden meetings.

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Mammalian ependymal multiciliated cells