Lenka Libusová Group
Faculty of Science, Charles University

The cytoskeleton of mammalian cells is a complex and dynamic network of several interconnected systems. It plays a crucial role in regulating various intracellular processes, including vesicular trafficking, nuclear division, and the maintenance of cell shape and motility. This network is composed of three main cytoskeletal systems: actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments, interconnected by a variety of crosslinking proteins. These crosslinking proteins can be either active force-generating molecules or passive crosslinkers, which provide static or diffusible connective points between the filaments.
Our research focuses on understanding how cells adjust their cytoskeletal networks in response to changes in the environment, with a particular emphasis on the cooperation between the predominant cytoskeletal networks. We use high-end live cell imaging techniques, followed by advanced image analysis and biochemical approaches, to study the changes in the cytoskeletal network during cell differentiation or environmental changes.

Future directions
We use neuronal cultures derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. This system is particularly powerful because it allows us to examine the cytoskeletal networks in various developmental stages of neurons, from round stem cells to neuronal precursors with short protrusions, and finally to motor neurons with very long axons. The cytoskeleton plays a pivotal role in these developmental changes, as it is responsible for the intracellular transport of organelles, vesicles, and other cargoes.
In addition to studying the cytoskeleton in neuronal cultures, we also investigate the cytoskeleton in human cancer cells. Cancer cells are known to repurpose their cytoskeleton to meet the demands of rapid growth and migration. By understanding how cancer cells regulate their cytoskeleton, we may be able to develop new strategies for targeting cancer cells and inhibiting their growth and migration.
Dept. Cell Biology, Charles University, Faculty of Science
Vinicna 7, 128 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic